Defend 1050

MEDIA RELEASE: Pandemics: Prevention is certainly less expensive than cure, says engineer and clean air expert

If Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is right and the next global pandemic is inevitable, we must prepare for it right away. In the annual letter from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Gates calls for an investment of billions of dollars in infrastructure and technology to respond quickly to dangerous new pathogens. One such technology […]

MEDIA RELEASE: Pandemics: Prevention is certainly less expensive than cure, says engineer and clean air expert Read More »

Novaerus Defend 1050 Proven to Reduce Coronavirus Surrogate by 99.99%

Novaerus Defend 1050 Proven to Reduce Coronavirus Surrogate by 99.99% The portable air dis-infection device has been independently tested and shown effective at reducing MS2 Bacteriophage, a surrogate for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), by 99.99% in 15 minutes. Dublin, Ireland, 27 April 2020 – Novaerus, an Irish company that manufactures and sells patented medical-grade, clean air solutions, has

Novaerus Defend 1050 Proven to Reduce Coronavirus Surrogate by 99.99% Read More »

Novaerus Defend 1050 cleared by FDA as 510(k) Class II Medical Device

Novaerus Defend 1050 cleared by FDA as 510(k) Class II Medical Device Novaerus Defend 1050 cleared by FDA as 510(k) Class II Medical Device to inactivate and filter out airborne virus and bacteria for medical purposes Defend 1050 uses patented NanoStrike® technology to damage and inactivate airborne micro-organisms. Dublin, Ireland and Stamford, CT – Novaerus,

Novaerus Defend 1050 cleared by FDA as 510(k) Class II Medical Device Read More »